Questions that Prevent Fraud and Ensure Satisfaction

1. What is Your Past Experience?

When looking for a contractor to build a deck for your Florida home, the first question you should ask is how many years of experience they have. Then question them a little further on their experience, what companies did they work at? What kind of decks have they built?

2. Are You Insured?

This is one of the most important questions you can ask. If they’re uninsured, and something goes wrong, you could be held liable, which is why we recommend only working with an licensed and insured decking contractor in Florida.

3. Is the Work Covered Under Warranty?

Any quality deck contractor should stand behind their work, so make sure they do before you hire them. Speak with the contractor and figure out how long their warranty lasts and what it covers.

4. When Will Work Begin and Finish?

Jobs always go smoother when the contractor and homeowner are on the same page, so it’s very important that you have a timeline for when they’ll be doing all the work, from start to finish.

5. Who Will Be Working With You?

Figure out how many workers the contractor is planning on bringing. Do they regularly work with them? What are their qualifications? It’s a good idea to know who’s going to be coming onto your property.

Modern Homes Demand Smart Technology

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  • Praesent elementum molestie metus, vitae faucibus odio euismod vitae.
  • Nullam faucibus sapien eu neque sagittis, ut commodo nunc porttitor.

  • Cras velit nibh, porttitor id consequat non, porta sit amet orci.

  • Proin rhoncus, urna sed pretium tincidunt, leo tellus sagittis velit, et placerat elit dolor non felis.

This Trend is Set to Continue

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed fermentum aliquam venenatis. Quisque pulvinar orci mauris, eget gravida nibh lobortis a. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin fermentum fermentum est in euismod. Aliquam interdum metus a lorem pellentesque pretium id eu velit. Sed sollicitudin nisl arcu, sed vestibulum eros tempor eget.

The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.

Vestibulum ac nulla non nisl malesuada sagittis. Aliquam fringilla ex quis porttitor mattis. Nam in lacus porta, porta elit et, ultricies tortor. Cras vitae purus non nisl viverra fermentum. Curabitur et sodales elit, sit amet rutrum turpis. Curabitur efficitur ex quis nunc facilisis, at commodo mi pellentesque.

Curabitur magna nunc, congue sit amet scelerisque id, dictum tristique nulla. Nulla sagittis eget tortor ac aliquam. Quisque auctor, erat at tincidunt egestas, justo dui scelerisque est, in porta libero lacus ac ex. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.